#EUA from Russia with love

Plenty of decent research on Telegram today, a summary with links provided below :

1. Russia Govt have created a load of financial incentives to get investment into Arctic Circle – Kola region included (need to pinpoint exact incentives)

Keynote speech from Russian Deputy PM Trutnev

  1. http://council.gov.ru/events/news/130312/
  2. https://news.rambler.ru/ecology/47334560-v-arktike-realizuyut-investproekty-bolee-chem-na-1-trln-rubley-soobschil-trutnev

Over 1.1 trillion rubles invested since 2020

A little dig at NN perhaps ?!

2. Rosgeo are showcasing Poaz as an example of how amazing they are whilst raising finance via bonds (document on Moscow Stock Exchange)


Good explanation of how JV work with Rosgeo. Note they only work on promising projects with a high level of research.

3. Looks like Eurasia are bolting the flanks and other areas into the original mining licence area which is a shortcut to a higher valuation as reduces uncertainty. Great summary from Duggy as per his tweets, more in the telegram group on this aspect.



Awaiting Nyud licence, flanks mining plan, Wardell JORC to knit all this together into one master plan, which a buyer could find very atttactive especially if it is revealed that taxes are lower than the 20% we expected. State support and lower taxes means a higher NPV calculation if the assets are as good as expected. All down to Wardell to validate the assumptions and then which potential buyer is going to get the keys to the treasure… find out shortly perhaps !

(Published on my phone away from laptop so apologies in advance if links are wrong )

One Reply to “#EUA from Russia with love”

  1. Mr GMF you provide supply the good summary of topic. POAZ is high item of agenda discussion. To be considered treasure and special place for the commerce of the Monchegorsk. Nornickel facilitate good tax legislations with support of the Monchegorsk Development Agency.

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